World’s Greatest Hacker

email thread


Oregon DHS report

1 message

Karl Wright <> Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 12:29 PM



I'm sending you a copy of a report I received from the Oregon DHS in 2018.

I'd like to direct your attention to the last page where it says "Concerns do not meet agency guidelines for CPS


This is very specific American legal terminology. CPS is Child Protective Services. It is the American equivalent of social


This document states very clearly that CPS is banned from contact. Therefore, American "social workers" were banned

from being involved in our family. I'd like to talk more about this with you when we meet.



Court case

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 2:36 PM


Hi Paul Neese,

My name is Karl Wright. I believe you know who I am. What you may not know is some of the details surrounding my time

in Finland, and my return to America. As a prosecuting attorney, you expect the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the

truth. I also expect the truth to be told in a court of law. And I respect and admire your dedication to justice.

The truth of the facts and events of my Finland experience seem to be at the very least diplomatically embarrassing for

the United States. There's growing reason for me to believe some of the details are considered classified information by

some people. I won't bore you with all the details just yet, but the last section of the story is that Rose and I were in an

immigration facility for the last 5 months. While we were in the immigration facility, we made a lot of pornography with the

assistance and supervision of the Finland police. Filming was technically not allowed, but the Finland police gave us a

free pass.

After a few months of my production releases to various porn sites, the FBI showed up in Finland and demand that the

Finnish police make it stop. The Finnish police kindly told the FBI to go pound sand. The FBI got belligerent, and some FBI

agents got kicked out of Finland, and banned from ever coming back. Even better, I recorded all these terse exchanges on


When my family flew back from Finland to Portland, we were given diplomatic protection by the president of Finland, Sauli

Niinisto. As far as I know, that protection only lasted until we set foot on American soil. But I kept with me all my cameras

and memory cards that had all the footage from 5 years in Finland, including the last 5 months in immigration. I wasn't

sure if Customs and Border Patrol would confiscate all my stuff, but they didn't. And so I still have it all with me. I also

have with me several hundred pages of Finland documents from the Finnish courts and Finnish police. Considering the

great difficulty you've had with acquiring these same records on your own directly from Finland, I have to assume that

there's some reason why. I gave a copy of all these records to Stephanie Engelsman, so if you need to obtain a copy you

can ask her, or I can even give them to you. Again, they don't paint a pretty picture of the US diplomatically.

I pursued a political dialog in Finland which some people in America find objectionable. But it is a matter of free speech

and free expression. And I have every intention of using my opportunities in court, including ones where you are the

adversarial lawyer, to talk about my platform. And I will be presenting truthful and factual evidence to support my

position. However, as I have said, some of this factual material has very negative national security repercussions.

I would encourage you to consult with US DOJ attorney Natalie K. Wight about the situation with these matters. It seems

wise for everyone to be on the same page about these matters.

Sincerely yours,

Karl Wright


Gaslighting campaign

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 8:53 AM

To: Morrissey Avery <>

Cc: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>

Hello Avery,

I have repeatedly mentioned my belief in the importance of the DHS-OHA work in protecting kids, and that continues to be

my position. I believe you have important work to do outside of whatever is going on in my family's case. As time goes on,

I become more concerned about the spillover from my case into everything else in your career. You have a necessary

partnership with the Oregon law enforcement community, and in spite of my belief in police abolition I understand the

importance of this relationship with them. However, you are being told some things about my case that are, to be honest,

wishful thinking. You're being told that there is an active criminal investigation, and I suppose in the strictest sense, it's

true that there's some kind of investigation going on. What your law enforcement liasons aren't telling you is that there's

zero chance of their investigations ever making it to court.

I would classify what is going on as gaslighting. In Finland I spectacularly embarrassed the American law enforcement

community and destroyed a lot of their credibility in the eyes of the European authorities. It's become readily apparent

that most of the details of what happened in Finland is categorized as classified information. And it seems that the only

recourse the US law enforcement community has is to use child welfare laws as a political weapon. If you can't

understand that to be true, and can't see how unusual this case is, then I guess there's no way to enlighten you. But you've

proven yourself over and over again to be operating on very incomplete information. If not, quite frankly, erroneous

information. It doesn't matter to me either way if you continue to believe what you're being told by the Oregon law

enforcement community. But you continue to open yourself up to being used as a pawn if you do. It is my veritable

treasure trove of classified information that prevents this case from ever seeing the light of day in a criminal prosecution.

This classified information can be ignored in a child dependency case in Juvenile Court, which to be honest is something

of a kangaroo court. But in big boy court, where sources of information matter, there is no way to mount a case and

simultaneously exclude the Finland happenings. And then the whole thing gets sunk as fruit of a poisonous tree. And

that's just the real deal situation.

I'm including a copy of the email I sent to Paul Neese on April 24th in PDF format. Just to refresh your memory on what it

said. It contains 100% factual information. But it's also classified information. Anyone that tells you it is in any way false

is engaging in a gaslighting campaign to cover up some epic and miserable failures on the part of the American law

enforcement community. Again, it doesn't matter to me what you believe, but I'd like to think some part of you is

questioning the whole narrative you're hearing. Do what you want, but choose wisely. This is two cents worth of advice

from the world's greatest hacker.


February of 2022

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 7:53 AM

To: Morrissey Avery <>

Cc: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>, DeWayne

Charley <>

Hello Avery,

This email is designed to simplify the process of covering a wide range of topics at trial in the Multnomah County

Courthouse at the end of this month. I can simply read this email out loud, and you can confirm in court that it is verbatim

to the email you received. This email pertains to events that happened in February of 2022 in Finland. Since there is

considerable resistance to introducing the full portfolio of documents from Finland, and it seems in everyone's best

interest to avoid having to translate and authenticate the Finland documents, I will just describe events and we'll leave out

the bigger questions of how it all pertains to directly to my family members. At this point I'm trying to move away from

generating any new documentation that names anyone other than myself and Rose. I'm trying to preserve as much

privacy as possible for the others, under the circumstances.

Some background: Google LLC has a somewhat secretive law enforcement-only portal at which is

dedicated to providing law enforcement entities a system that facilitates transporting Google data to agencies in an

efficient fashion. It is part of a broader suite of network security infrastructure that is managed by the United States

national security community. Apple, Facebook/Meta, Amazon, Microsoft and others have a similar portal that is dedicated

to law enforcement requests. However, Google LLC is unique in its position as a provider of both hardware and software,

and its market position as probably the most powerful technology corporation on earth. In this respect, Google LLC is

almost a singular entity for law enforcement activity. Almost everything on the internet interacts with Google LLC in some

way, and so that makes their LERS system the most prominent law enforcement portal on the internet.

With that background setup out of the way, let's proceed to the details. On February 8th and 9th 2022 from an apartment

in Vaasa Finland, I sent a series of emails between two private Gmail accounts that were all owned by me. There was

nobody except me involved in these messages. These emails contained keywords that trigger specific alerts in the

Google LERS system. Since the keyword triggering was restricted to only the Google infrastructure, only the LERS system

was affected. The result of this keyword triggering was that on February 10th 2022, every Finland police station across

the entire 1,000 mile expanse of the country was shut down. Every Finland police station remained shut down for about a

week, and the Finland news media documented the massive panic that affected the entire country.

I made no attempt whatsoever to conceal my identity - in fact I was counting on them knowing exactly who did it and

where to find me. And of course they did find me, with 50 police and 2 helicopters. I still find the interviews I had with the

Finland police amusing, as to why I shut down all their police stations. When they realized the details of how I did it, they

decided they couldn't risk revealing the national security infrastructure secrets in court, and dropped the whole case. My

hacking plan worked to perfection. And it had its desired effect: the whole family was put on an airplane and sent back to

the United States. This is but one example of why I'm the world's greatest hacker. It was certainly not the most technically

challenging feat I've ever done, but probably the most prominent. And I could be using these skills to earn a living for my

family. But instead I have to use these skills to fight DHS.

That concludes this email, to be read in court.


Oregon specific LERS alerts

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 10:00 AM

To: Morrissey Avery <>

Cc: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>,, DeWayne Charley <>

Hello Avery,

As with my previous email, this email is intended to be read aloud in court, to simplify and expedite the introduction of

large amounts of information to the Multnomah County Court. Once again, I will read a print out of this email and you can

confirm that it is verbatim what you received.

In my previous email I described events in Finland that involved Google LLC's LERS system. Since it happened outside of

US jurisdiction and it is too complicated to verify for the court the accuracy and authenticity of those details, the subject

matter of that email was merely a background framework for this email, which contains Oregon specific utilization of the

Google LLC LERS system and it happened only in the State of Oregon. Therefore, it is easy enough to verify the

authenticity and accuracy of this information.

On three separate occasions in the last 29 days now, I have used keywords that trigger the Google LERS system to

document the response from the law enforcement community. Each time, it was the Gresham Police that responded to

the keyword trigger. This establishes a reasonable expectation that the Gresham Police are the lead agency utilizing the

Google LERS portal.

The first occasion, on May 11th 2023, was done from the Multnomah County Juvenile Courthouse in Portland. This is well

outside of the Gresham Police jurisdiction under normal circumstances, and is the strongest evidence that the Gresham

Police are the lead agency for LERS alerts. The second time, on May 31st 2023, was done using the Xfinity internet from

my apartment. Gresham Police patrol vehicles responded at about 6pm that day, and entered the Townfair apartment

private driveways where I live. The patrol vehicles left about 15 minutes later. The third triggering occasion, on June 6th

2023, was specifically designed to involve the Gresham Police drone program, also known as unmanned aerial

surveillance. I triggered the keywords from my apartment Xfinity connection at about 5:30pm on June 6th. At

approximately 6:40pm the Gresham Police drone operator, driving his patrol vehicle with the Oregon public license plate

E279228 and the Gresham Police fleet vehicle ID of P19 1534 entered the Townfair apartment private driveway where I

live, and was captured on my own security camera footage watching the drone video feed from inside his patrol car. At

approximately 6:50pm, this drone operator left the Townfair apartment complex.

This triplex of occasions that utilized the Google LERS alert system fundamentally establishes that the Gresham Police

are the lead agency in responding to Google LERS alerts, that there is 100% consistency in their response to the alerts,

and that they are dedicating considerably manpower plus tools and other resources to respond to these alerts. The

efforts and experience that went into documenting this is just another day in the life of the world's greatest hacker.

These are the raw facts in this situation. That concludes this email, to be read in court


Public debate on technology

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 1:55 PM

To: Morrissey Avery <>

Cc: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>, DeWayne

Charley <>

Hello Avery,

As with my previous emails, this email is intended to be read aloud in court, to simplify and expedite the introduction of

large amounts of information to the Multnomah County Court. Once again, I will read a print out of this email and you can

confirm that it is verbatim to what you received.

The LERS system by Google LLC is an example of a technology product that has been given to the law enforcement

community, with no public debate as to whether the citizens want this level of technological surveillance in their lives. On

the flip side, as I have demonstrated, these tools can be reappropriated by a skilled hacker for use as a method against

the law enforcement community. Since there have been no legal cases surrounding these tools, there is really no court

case history to go on. We’re living in the digital version of the wild, wild west.

One of the reasons for the lack of public debate on technology is that the corporations that provide our hardware and

software don’t want new laws to be passed that limit their growth. This is a natural byproduct of the capitalistic mode of

economy, where the continued market accumulation is in favor of those who already have significant market share. And

to reverse this inertia, it is the job of governments to regulate corporations. There are monopoly laws for a reason. It is

incumbent on the citizens to be aware of what the providers of their societal infrastructure are doing. Unfortunately, too

many are painfully ignorant of their own society and its functions.

Another reason for the lack of public debate on technology is the opposition by the law enforcement community towards

anything that will hamper their ability to have free reign in the digital world. Unfortunately in the process of allowing

unfettered digital tool growth in the law enforcement community, we are allowing the foundation towards a police state,

right before our eyes. And this has dire consequences more pronounced for those US States that have more autocratic

tendencies such as Texas and Florida. If women’s health care and minority rights are criminalized, it becomes very easy

for the law enforcement members of these states to target these marginalized peoples with digital surveillance and

unleash upon them what has become known all over the world as one of the most unequal criminal justice systems.

The third, and possibly the most significant reason for a lack of public debate on technology, is the general math and

science ignorance of the average US citizen. It’s very difficult to have a public debate about the role of technology in

society when the average voter doesn’t even possess a basic understanding of math and science. The fact that the

science of the evolution of species is still controversial for some people is a damning indictment on the US education

system. The United States consistently ranks last in the industrialized first world on education.

The American public has kicked the can of technology debate down the road of progress for far too long. Other countries

are having this debate, and they are working on guidelines to preserve and protect the privacy of their citizens. The US, on

the other hand, is doing almost nothing. There is already developing a green technology arms race between the US and

the EU, and the EU is in a far better position due to its willingness to use the taxation purse strings as necessary to ensure

the public good. But more importantly, the EU is passing laws that safeguard the digital privacy of its citizens. And the US

is getting left far behind on that front.

But the fundamental question that must be asked today, right now, is why typing certain words in my own private Google

accounts can trigger law enforcement activity. If there were proper guardrails in place in our American society, this

wouldn't be happening. Most Americans are blissfully unaware that everything they type is under surveillance. The US

doesn't have the resources or capacity to prosecute everyone for every little infraction they've ever committed. It would

paralyze the court system. And so the US is moving towards a criminal justice system in which only the chosen members

of society get a free pass, and the law enforcement community can pick and choose who they "discover" keyword alerts

for. And that isn't a democracy. It's a police state.

The flip side, and honest truth of the matter is that law enforcement tools such as Google LERS and similar products from

Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and other tech companies are ripe for exploitation from a skilled hacker. The

computer networks of a police station are designed to prevent a brute force hacking attempt at the firewall. Because of

modern network router designs it is almost impossible to break in like that, and even denial of service attacks can be

easily mitigated. But police computer networks trust that emails and data coming from Google are safe and legitimate.

And so it's the perfect carrier for a large scale network attack. If a hacker knows the LERS system well, and can control

the flood of LERS alerts in a pinpoint fashion, almost anything can be accomplished. This is the digital wild west shanty

town that the US has allowed for itself. Those with the best technology tools can do almost anything they want, and those

who are less fortunate get run out of town on a rail.

Is this the future we want for ourselves and our children? Is it only now that this society discards the concept of life,

liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and tosses it into the gutter? Is it here in the 21st century where the idea of

inalienable rights dies? Do we want a society that is so fundamentally flawed that if you're born in the wrong economic

class you will never escape the chains of poverty? To that I say, proletarians of the United States, unite. You have nothing

to lose but your chains.

That concludes this email, to be read in court.



1 message

Karl M Wright <> Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 8:15 AM

To: Morrissey Avery <>

Cc: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>, DeWayne

Charley <>

Hello Avery,

This email is NOT intended to be read in court, although I don't care either way. In the other emails I was sticking to just

the facts and leaving personal feelings out of it for the most part. But now I'd like to express my personal opinions on the

previous emails.

One of the reasons the Finland authorities gave for dropping the case against me for shutting down all their police

stations was that they didn't want my hacking techniques to become public knowledge, for fear that there would be

copycats, and all hell would break loose. That's still the same situation here in Oregon, with a Multnomah County Court.

I would encourage you to have a nice conversation with Paul Neese about these aspects of the court case, and fact check

the truth and accuracy of what I've been saying. Make absolutely sure this is the pandora's box you want to open. Because

once I read my emails, on the record, in a public trial, there's no going back. And it is my right, under the US Constitution,

to read these emails in court. That cannot be stopped. It opens the door to an avalanche of subpoenas against the

Gresham Police Department for inquiries into their use of the Google LLC LERS system, not to mention a flurry of lawsuits

against a long list of entities. And it also will bring to the general public an assessment of my hacking techniques that

could inspire copycats, and the next hacker to shut down police stations might not be as benevolent and careful as I am.

Also, there is a member of the law enforcement community named Nicholas Thompson, who will be questioned under

oath at trial about his Google LLC LERS system login credentials, and his utilization of the LERS system. Since it is the

right of all parties to cross examine witnesses, this is the direction this trial will be taking.

I feel like the public conversation about technology and law enforcement tools is long overdue, and I'm willing to force the

issue, here and now. DHS and the DOJ might have other ideas on whether this is the right time and place. Just be god

damn sure you are fully aware of what you're getting yourself into. In a court of law, the truth always comes out, and you

better be absolutely sure you know what the actual truth is.

This is just the personal opinion of the world's greatest hacker.


General Accounting Office

1 message

Karl M Wright <> Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 6:43 AM

To: Stephanie Engelsman <>, Abby Gluckman <>, DeWayne

Charley <>


According to my rough estimates, upwards of 50 million dollars has been spent in the last 5 years by local, state and

federal US agencies in pursuit of me and my family. This seems like a colossal waste of taxpayer money. I was wondering

if this matter should be reported to the General Accounting Office (GAO) for investigation. I would do it myself, but most

of my time is being spent hacking and harassing the cops - also known as pig hunting. 😂

If someone else thinks this is a good idea, I would strongly encourage a GAO complaint to be submitted. Waste not, want

not, and all that.